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Town Hall 8 Best Trophy Base

  1. Best Town Hall 8 (th8) Trophy Base 2018
  2. Best Town Hall 8 Trophy Base 2018
  • Top Town Hall 7 Trophy Base Layouts Best Seller 2017 Features:. Many base layout for coc village. Filter Layouts by Town hall Level. Zoom Feature to easy view map/layout Top Strategy:.Trophy Base Th 7 Free application for you. Absolutely different and better than other application.
  • Clash of Clans Town Hall TH-3 Trophy Base Layout Anti-Hog Best Town Hall TH-3 War Defense Base Design & Layout. War Bases are designed to prevent 3-star from opponent attacks. This is because, when you are participating in clan wars, your opponents might of 2 or 3 levels higher than you. So, a 3-star can affect your Clan Rankings.

Layout Town Hall 8 base Clash of Clans is successfully attacked by the enemy, both ground and air forces. The first tree 1 0. At the initial stage of the development of TH8 base, players quite often attack the Dragons, and at the final stage of the development of the base of the TH8, the players use the Valkyrie, Wizards and Golems attacks, which are more effective when the base is protected by three air defense level 6. When choosing a base layout for TH 8, you should follow the recommendations outlined below. Read more …

Also, take a look at-5+ Best Th8 Trophy Base 2020, With Base Copy Link. Best TH8 Base of COC Best Town Hall 8 Base Anti Ground Troop. These bases are built for tackling the Ground Attack strategy, I have made these bases by keeping the main motive of making the best base for tackling ground troops.


Best town hall 8 war base

Best town hall 8 trophy base

Town hall 8 base best defense

Town hall 8 farming base

How to choose a Town Hall 8 base?


  • Air Defense must be dispersed evenly around the circumference.
  • All air defense facilities should be located closer to the center of the base’s deployment and should be covered by resource storeges, i.e. The storage facilities are located in the zone of the radius of the air defense.
  • The Clan Castle and the Barbarian King should be located in close proximity to the Air Defense, as the reinforcements and the King distract the Dragons and promote their dispersal and destruction.
  • The Air Sweeper must be directed to a less protected Air Defense, provoking an attack from the more secure side of the deployment of the TH8 base.
  • Air Bombs are grouped in one place – this allows you to injure a group of dragons by 1/4 of the health reserve or immediately destroy a group of Air Balloons 6 lvl.
  • Seeking Air Mines are paired and placed in front of Air Defense – this allows you to immediately destroy the Dragon 3 lvl.


  • The Clan Castle must be located in the middle of the base placement, and some of the defensive structures should be placed along the circumference of the border of the radius of protection of the CC. This greatly complicates the luring of reinforcements.
  • The Bomb Tower is housed in conjunction with the Giant Bombs – this allows you to significantly damage the 5th-level Giants or Valkyrie 2 level.
  • Grouping of the Giant Bomb and 6 Bombs allows you to take away more than half of the health of the Giants group 5 lvl or Valkyrie 2 lvl.
  • Traps Springs should not be grouped with bombs, but should be placed separately or in front of them.
  • There should be voids in the base placement to mask traps.

If you were able to take into account all the above tips and recommendations when selecting or building a TH8 layout, then be sure that the best placement of the TH8 base of the Clash of Clans for clan war is guaranteed!

COC base elements of town hall 8

1.Town Hall18
2.Clan Castle14
4.Builder’s Hut4-5
5.Army Camp46
6.Elixir Collector612`
7.Gold Mine612
8.Dark Elixir Drill23
9.Elixir Storage311
10.Gold Storage311
11.Dark Elixir Storage14
12.Spell Factory13
13.Dark Spell Factory12
15.Dark Barracks24
17.Wizard Tower36
18.Archer Tower510
19.Bomb Tower12
21.Air Defense36
22.Air Sweeper14
23.Hidden Tesla36
24.Barbarian King110
26.Air Bomb43
27.Seeking Air Mine21
28.Giant Bomb33
29.Spring Trap63
31.Skeleton Trap22

TROOPS COC town hall 8

TROOPSmax lvl.
5.Wall Breaker5
12.Hog Rider4
15.Lightning Spell5
16.Healing Spell5
17.Rage Spell5
18.Poison Spell2
19.Earthquake Spell2

Town Hall TH-8 COC Base Design and Layout- If you have just reached TH-8 and wondering where to go from there? What you should upgrade first and what is the best strategy for the best farming, trophy, hybrid and war base defense? If you are having all these questions, then read on as I will guide you about the base designs and layouts for the Bases.

Town Hall TH-8 Base Layout and Design setup are all about a player’s priorities in the game. If the priority is to design a good defense base, then a flexible base with a capability of anti-3-star every attack will be based layout, he should be focusing on.

Town Hall 8 Best Trophy Base

COC Town Hall TH- 8 Base Farming, Hybrid, Trophy, Clan War Base Design, and Layout 2020 | Best TH8 Defense Base

The First thing we have to perform, when we reach COC TH8 Base is to upgrade walls. If you are at TH-8 and you have got level 6 walls, then your defenses will fall apart, no matter how well your base layout is designed. So, firstly upgrade your walls to your Town Hall level and proceed from there. John deere 450c injector pump.

The next step is to place unimportant buildings such as Barracks, Laboratory, Army Camps and Builder Huts outside, as they will take unnecessary space in the main compartment. Now, we need to distribute our DE, Elixir and Gold Mine storage all over the map. Fallout 4 settler jobs list. This is because we cannot protect all of these resources completely. When an Enemy attacks, there is a good chance, he will steal some of our loot. Spreading resources creates a disguise to protect the priority resource. Ddj sr driver software.

Designing your base with a single multi-layered wall across all buildings is not good, as wall breakers have splash damage range. If the enemy manages to create an entrance into the base, he will have unprotected access to every building in the base. So design your base with multiple layers and compartments around your buildings, to make your base complex and difficult to breakthrough.

Many Players put defenses to protect their storage and town hall buildings. This is not the correct way as defenses should cover themselves first with their working range. For Example, if your canons and Tesla are ravaged by Barbarian and Goblin Hoards, a wizard tower should be placed in the close vicinity to deal splash damage. So design your base, with an eye on protecting defense first and storages second.

COC Town Hall TH-8 Farming Base Map Layout

The Base is based upon protecting DE Storage. Other Elixir resources are spread out in triangle in separate compartments. Transfer folder manager. The Clan Castle and Teslas are distributed in a square shape around the elixir storage in the center of the main compartment.

Best Town Hall 8 (th8) Trophy Base 2018

This deck works well against mass drags and it has strong air defense from all sides. Windows outlook s. Air Sweeper along with Bombs is deployed alongside clan castle to deal and delay dragons and balloons. This setup gives sufficient time for the inner teslas to get rid of all the enemy air presence.

Best Town Hall 8 Trophy Base 2018

Clash of Clans Town Hall TH-8 Trophy Base Layout

Let’s take a detailed look at a good trophy base COC for TH-8. The Clan Castle and Town Hall in the central compartment. These two buildings are our focus buildings and all the defense in the base are tailored around to protect them. The Base is a trap and bait type. Your opponents will find it very difficult to break through, especially if he is using Hogs and Giants.

Best Town Hall TH-8 War Defense Base Design & Layout 2020

This war Base is close to perfection as every defense covers the other one. All the defensive structures work well in tandem with each other. For example, the wizard towers are pivots of this base. They are optimally utilized with High HP buildings placed alongside them. The first line of defense consists of canons and teslas. The wizard tower is there to increase an added layer of protection for this basic defense. what can’t be dealt with outer defense is eradicated with the inner ones.

Clash of Clans Town Hall TH-8 Hybrid Base Map Layout

Wizard Towers are the first line of defense instead of canons and archer towers. Ideally, it would have been another way around, but due to the Hog and P.E.K.K.A attack along with Dragons, a strong air and ground presence of archer towers, air defense, bombs, and wizard towers is needed.

Town Hall 8 Best Trophy Base
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